Workshop with Municipalities

Ready to start discussing my survey questions with green space managers from medium and big municipalities in Norway.
I have to say it´s been a lot of work preparing those questions and a lot of thoughts went into them. This is also the first time I have been creating a survey, making me ever more exciting on how these questions are received. Inspiration was drawn from the UK state of public park survey and a similar study in Sweden.
I prepared three presentations, one as an introduction to my project, one for going through the questions and one for presenting the UK study. Thankfully my supervisors been really great in going through the slides and giving me comments, so I felt confident enough to start the workshop.

I would like to give my appreciation to the participating municipalities, it was amazing that they showed up, have been prepared to give feedback, comments, new ideas and insights into their work. Amazing that the individuals participating took their time to travel to Oslo right after the National Day.

It was a great success and I am really looking forward to getting to work.
