Hello trains - where are you?

Hello trains - where are you?
I am not sure if this is done in other countries, but in Norway, they decided to shut down train traffic during the summer holidays
This is holidays for school children, students and apparently many other companies, some people (like me) still go to work and have to get there somehow. I am a bit irritated and slightly disturbed having to use a train first, switch to a bus walk for ten minutes to take another bus. Getting to work is still running quite smoothly, although traffic on the road is reducing my 10-minute window of switching busses quite exciting.
The way home is not as pleasant, adding as much as 1.5 hours to my anyhow long commute. Who wants to travel 5-6 hours daily to get to and from work...

Honestly, Train Company, could you not just chose one track and repair it. Do you have to repair all of them at once?!

