Ph.D. Conference
Last week I have been part of organizing a conference for Ph.D. students at our new Faculty. We had four keynote speeches and a dinner and on the next day a day only for Ph.D. students at a Spa hotel with lots of food.
Good to hear speeches from the different departments, Noragric, Public health and Urban and regional planning, and to realize that there are synergies between the departments.
I particularly enjoyed the second day at the Spa, not just for being able to take a break and have good food, but for the good discussions, presentations, talks and getting to know fellow Ph.D.s.
We started with a short introduction of each of us and moved to longer presentations, power points as well as oral presentations. Great to see the different stages of work and issues fellow Ph.D.s are concerned with. Second breakfast break with cereals invited for further discussions followed by more presentations.
Lunch was amazing and I got into a discussion about entrepreneurs and companies operating environmental friendly and thus working together with other companies thinking the same way. I wonder if you work in this circle is it possible to influence other companies? Do you not have to into other markets to change them too? I am not implying here that this is a way of thinking we do not need, it is necessary and of great importance.
We finished off our day with everyone that had not presented yet, presented their work in about 5 minutes.
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